Our Philosophy

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It is our belief that ministry runs on the rails of relationships. While that statement rings true in all ministries focused on making disciples, it is especially true when working among the unreached. It is a trustworthy statement to say that no effective ministry can take place within a community who has never heard the gospel until genuine, trusting relationships have been developed with those we seek to reach. This is not a quick process and often takes months or even years to see measurable progress in people coming to understand how much God loves them.
With that being said, a large part of our missiological strategy lies in actively engaging the community and seeking to identify and meet felt needs. Many of these needs lie in the areas of education and health. In rural Malawi, access to quality education at all levels is often unobtainable. Likewise, community health issues are always a need for those who live in remote areas. Working to improve the daily lives of those we seek to minister to allows us an opportunity to provide a tangible example of God’s love and, in turn, earn the trust needed to share the most important need for all mankind, salvation.
So, in all of this, the heart of our ministry lies in teaching about God’s love and the salvation He provides through Jesus Christ. Everything we do points to Him. Be it feeding the hungry, providing shelter for those without or simply caring for the orphans and widows in our community, it is all done to provide a tangible expression of God’s love and to allow us an opportunity to share the Gospel.
Even so, the Gospel message cannot be a product of the West. It cannot be something that is foreign. It must be adopted and contextualized within the local culture so that it becomes the Gospel of the people. This does not mean that the scripture or the truth is changed in any way. It simply means that God’s message must be seen through the local cultural worldview to be fully understood and accepted as absolute truth within a person’s heart. Our team, therefore, reflects this philosophy in that the overwhelming majority are indigenous Malawians with a passion to reach indigenous Malawians with the message of Jesus Christ. Our vision is to see organic, grass roots, indigenous led discipleship movements began to sprout up, grow and reproduce among the unreached here in Malawi and throughout East Africa.